Dalus API

This API reference provides a preview of the upcoming Dalus API. The API is not publicly available yet, but this documentation gives you a glimpse of the capabilities and endpoints that will be available when it launches.

The Dalus API is currently in development and is not publicly available. If you’re interested in early access, please contact us at founders@dalus.io.


The Dalus API uses bearer token authentication. Include your API key in the Authorization header of your requests:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Base URL

All API endpoints are relative to the base URL:



The API provides access to the following resources:

  • Models: Create, read, update, and delete models
  • Parts: Manage parts within models
  • Ports: Configure ports for parts
  • Actions: Define actions and their scripts
  • States: Manage states for state machines
  • Transitions: Define transitions between states
  • Signals: Configure signals between actions
  • Interfaces: Define interfaces between parts
  • Requirements: Manage requirements for models

Rate Limiting

API requests are rate-limited to ensure fair usage. If you exceed the rate limit, you’ll receive a 429 Too Many Requests response.

Error Handling

The API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of requests:

  • 2xx: Success
  • 4xx: Client error (e.g., invalid request, authentication error)
  • 5xx: Server error

Error responses include a JSON object with an error message:

  "error": "Error message",
  "code": "ERROR_CODE"

Need Help?

If you need assistance with the API, please contact us at founders@dalus.io.