How to use the GitLab Integrations
Learn how to integrate Gitlab with Dalus, in order to use any saved scripts
1. Click on your user icon -> Settings
2. Click on Connections
This is where you can manage your GitLab integrations.
You only need the API endpoint if you are hosting Gitlab yourself. If you are using the hosted version of GitLab, you just need the Personal Access Token and the GitLab Group ID.
3. Get the Group ID
Click on your group in GitLab -> Click on the three dots
This is where you an copy your Group ID
4. Get the Access token
Click on your user profile -> Preferences -> Access tokens
Here you can click on “Add new token” -> Give it a name -> Copy the generated access token
5. Paste both in Dalus
Click on “Add” after pasting the Group ID.
Both will be saved after you press “Save GitLab settings”
A popup should come up saying “Successfully connected to GitLab”
6. Select GitLab in Code Provider
If you are working with action nodes, you are now able to select GitLab and load your scripts that are saved in your group.
7. Browse GitLab scripts
8. Select Script
Just select from the repository you want to choose a script, and you’ll be able to load it in Dalus.
We highly recommend using Python scripts at the moment but will support more languages in the future. A GitHub integration will be released soon as well.